got allot of math to do like 35 pages can anyone do graphs and equations of lines?i can submit all…

HERE IT IS first file should have about 7 images its in a ZIP FILE

the 2nd should have more and i will send the rest after im done scanning all of them its about 140 questionsi duuno


(got allot of math to do like 35 pages can anyone do graphs and equations of lines? i can submit all the questions etc. etc. and i will need like your scratch sheet )


going to have a total of 3 zip files, i need answers and i need for the znswers to be written out like sorta witht he steps in volved , maybe save the jpegs that ar ein the zip file, open it with pain and write on the Jpeg with the Pen tool, 


ohkay turns out i dont know how this POS site works cause no ones explaining JACK SHIT to me now, uh i thought this message was for me and the person i agreed to do my work with but guess not. I think I only want one person to do my work and now they are not resonding my chat doesnt work either cause my computer sucks .  

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