final case study human resources


  • Read the entire case study carefully and then respond to allquestions in each of the four (4) scenarios.
  • Develop each answer to the fullest extent possible, including citations from outside resources, where applicable, to support your arguments.
  • Submit your assignment as a separate MS Word document in your assignments folder. Do not type your answers into the case study document.
  • Include a Cover Page with Name, Date, and Title of Assignment.
  • Do not include the original question. Use the following format: Scenario 1: question 1, etc.
  • Each response should be written in complete sentences, double-spaced and spell-checked. Use 12-point Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins on all sides.
  • Include page numbers according to APA formatting guidelines.
  • Include citations in APA format at the end of each answer.
  • You must submit to the assignment link by the due date (final day of class). A missing assignment will be assigned a grade of 0.
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