critically asses the relationship between organizational performance and financial management practices these include capital structure decision investment appraisal techniques dividend policy working capital management and financial performance asses

It should be 6-7 pages double spaced in apa format, one page solely should be an Executive Summary.Include a one-page Executive Summary immediately following the title page that includes a statement of the major issue and your conclusions and specific recommendations.

I have a few sites that I have used for information and I will add those below. Examples of these items are appreciated inside of the text. A topic point should be made and talked about for each of the following: capital structure decision, investment appraisal techniques, dividend policy, working capital management and financial performance assessment. Adding in some examples with how companies used this information and have a relationship between organizing and performance and financial management in the beginning of the paper as well.

Aloy Niresh (2012) Working Capital Management & Financial Performance of Manufacturing Sector in

Sri Lanka. Retrieved from:……

Kitonga, K. G. (2013). The relationship between Financial Management Practices and Financial Performance in the shipping industry in Keya (Doctoral dissertation. School of Business, the University of Narobi).

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