the nature and causes of crime 1

This week has covered several theories of crime causation including Rational Choice Theory, Trait Theory, and the Developmental Theories; Life Course, Propensity, and Trajectory. Select one of these theories that you feel best describes why crime occurs, and write a well-constructed, one page essay (500+ words) explaining how this theory applies to crime and criminals. What causes criminals to act and therefore crimes to occur? Please provide any examples you feel exemplify your argument, but be sure to cite and reference the article where you retrieve information regarding your example.

(NOTE: A “well-constructed” essay will be in complete sentences and paragraphs. It will be structured to include an introduction, body, and conclusion. While APA references and citations are not required for this course, they are strongly suggested since they will be required in future courses. Also, you must at least attempt to provide citation and reference information for any specific information that you use that is not your own thoughts in order to avoid plagiarism).

A detailed explanation of how to cite a source using APA can be found here.

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