baseline writing assessment 1

1-For your Baseline Writing Assessment, you will write an essay that demonstrates your understanding of college level writing.

Topic: Your topic is a focus on blue -collar brilliance (

Step 1: Begin by posing a research question based on Mike Rose’s essay. This essay should be your guiding prompt.

Write that question at the top of a Word document.

Step 2: Craft a thesis that answers your research question succinctly in a single sentence.

Write the thesis below the question from Step 1 in your Word document

Step 3: After you complete step 2, draft an essay of 600+ words that includes

  • a title
  • an introduction
  • a thesis (repeated from Step 2)
  • a body with at least two paragraphs
  • a conclusion
  • incorporates quotes and properly cites them in APA or MLA format (you choose)
  • has a Works Cited (MLA) or a Reference page (APA)

This paper will take an hour to complete and will assist you to meet the following course objectives:

• Use Standard Written English to create well-structured sentences, paragraphs, and essays

• Review the writing process and use strategies to further revising and editing skills

• Write extensive multi-paragraph essays using argument and a variety of structural patterns considering audience and tone

• Write logically, critically, and analytically, synthesizing and documenting sources


2- answer the following questions from the same article:

First, read Mike Rose’s essay, “Blue Collar Brilliance.”

Then, answer each of the following blue questions in a short answer Use the black questions as guiding questions to help you answer the blue question.

For full credit, be sure to use evidence from Rose’s text to support your responses.

1-What is the rhetorical situation?

2-Who is the author/speaker?

3-What is his/her intention in speaking?

4-Who make up the audience?

5-What is the content of the message?

6-What is the form in which it is conveyed?

7-How do form and content correspond?

8-Does the message/speech/text succeed in fulfilling the author’s or speaker’s intentions?

9-What does the nature of the communication reveal about the culture that produced it?

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