make a ppt for 8 mins presentation about japanese politic sience your research topic your argument the significance of your argument in the context of the course
Welcome to a course on
Japanese Politics through the lens of a Developmental
. Over the course of 5 weeks
of this Summer course
we will make a foundational
review of Japan’s political system, it’s political parties, and their role and function in governance
and the formation of public policy. In turn, we will also learn how Japan’s public policy has
guided i
mportant topics in Japanese politics and history across economic and social issues.
Through readings and research you will learn how these different issues interact and intersect,
how politics manifest in Japanese society, and vice
rn the essentials of contemporary Japan’s political party system.
Understand the pathways between political party’s and politics, through to public policy
across a range of issues including economic development, energy policy and gender.
Facilitate discu
ssion in a small
classroom format. Lecture is important, but
as a
means to establish familiarity with a topic for
students to analyze. Questions will be
provided to students to contemplate and prepare for discussion, but the class is paced to
low for questions and discussions at any point during the lecture.
Produce an original piece of research that examines a topic related to the course but
outside of the main lecture topics.
Use critical thinking and interpretation to produce original argu
ments and opinion on
topics covered in the course. The purpose of this class is
to simply memorize names,
dates, facts and figures. While we do wish to acquire knowledge, the most significant part
of this class is using lectures and readings in the ser
vice of creative thinking and