module 3 assignment 2 pseudocode amp python with strings
Module 3 Assignment 2 features designing a program using pseudocode and then completing the program in Python using strings. M3Lab2 asks you to write a Mortgage Loan Calculator.
Each lab asks you to write pseudocode that plans the program’s logic before you write the program in Python and to turn in three things: 1) the pseudocode, 2) a screenshot of the output, and 3) the Python program.
Pseudocode and Python Program with Strings
M3Lab2.txt has some of the code provided for a Mortgage Loan Calculator. In your lab, write the rest of the code to perform the following tasks:
- Download the file M3Lab2_student.txt linked below these instructions to your computer.
- Open M3Lab2_student.txt in IDLE
- Save as Replace ii with your initials. Replace ii with your initials. [example for someone with the initials cc:]
- Complete Steps 1-7 within the code’s comments.
- Run your program, enter your name, and enter loan information.
- Test your program 3 times and take a screenshot of your program’s output.
- Save your pseudocode as M3Lab2ii.docx. Replace ii with your initials.
- Insert a screenshot of your program output in the pseudocode’s Word file.
How to Complete Your M3 Assignment 2 Pseudocode & Python with Strings
- Write your pseudocode and save it as M3Lab2ii.docx
- Write your program and save it as
- Take a screenshot of your program’s output and Insert it in M3Lab2ii.docx
- Upload both M3 Lab documents (Word and Python) to M3 Assignment 2 Pseudocode & Python with Strings Assignment Submission Folder. .
See the Schedule in the Syllabus Module for due dates. Review the Rubric attached to the Assignment Submission Folder for grading information.