discussion post citizen kane welles or the great dictator chaplin

Choose a film from the Films of the Week in the module resources that will be the focus of your initial topic post. Then answer the corresponding prompt. Make sure to state which video you viewed this week in the title of your initial post.

Option 1 (Citizen Kane) http://ezproxy.snhu.edu/login?qurl=https%3A%2F%2Fd…
There were many inventions and innovations discussed in your reading this week. Innovation plays a significate role in the film. When you watched the film, what innovations caught your eye? How have the innovations you noticed contributed to Citizen Kane’s iconic status? Make sure to support your answer with specific examples from the film and your reading.

Option 2 (The Great Dictator) https://snhu.kanopy.com/video/great-dictator
Discuss how viewing The Great Dictator through the historical lens of WWII impacts your interpretation of the film. Where can you see the impact of what was going on historically, socially, or politically at this time? Make sure to support your answer with specific examples from the film and your readings.

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