chp 19 bradford mini case

This case puts you in the driver seat (as a production planner). There is an xls workbook on your student DVD that you can access, and save to your PC, as a starting point – or simply download the attachment. Your job is to prepare production schedule (considering the constraints and rules of this case in Chp 19), and to determine the operating budget for such a plan. There are 3 worksheets available to execute this plan – the 1st Aggregate Plan is where you determine your production plan/schedule (by indicating the number of lines and overtime hrs per day), and the budget (costs) associated with your plan – these are the yellow highlighted sections of the worksheet – you need to determine how many production lines to run, how many hours of overtime to work per day, and the corresponding budgeted line items in the lower highlighted budget section – you can use the defaulted number of production lines and overtime hours as a first try; 2nd is the Simulation Worksheet where you need to indicate the Actual Production Rate and the Actual Demand columns cells (in reality the actual data would be getting filled in each week as time progresses, but you need to fill all 52 weeks with numbers (simply enter 450 into the Actual Production Rate column (each cell) and then copy the Forecast column into the Actual Demand column) – which will end up simulating how much your plan will actually cost onto the 3rd sheet; 3rd is the Actual Cost worksheet, which will fill in automatically, based on data from the Simulation Worksheet. The main idea here is to do your planning (sheet 1), estimate your budget (sheet 1), enter in the production rate and demand (sheet 2), which will automatically generate numbers showing the actual costs (sheet 3) – lastly, you should compare your budget (sheet 1) to what it actually costs to execute (sheet 3).

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