ENG 1030 Johnson and Wales University Week 8 Methods of Persuasion Paper




For this assignment, imagine that you are the service manager for a local home improvement company. In recent years, you have been pleased to see your company expand its size and scope, but you are concerned that this growth will come at the expense of customer service. In particular, you are worried about losing touch with one of the company’s key demographics—women, who make up 55 percent of your customer base. To prevent this from happening, you have developed a plan for a range of personalized services targeted at women, including one-on-one teaching of do-it-yourself skills and free in-home consultations.

You present your plan at a meeting of the company’s management team. One of the executives has an immediate, negative reaction, and he argues in opposition to your plan. Among his points are the following:

  1. If your plan is adopted, customers will expect more and more special services and eventually will demand free installation of flooring and carpeting.
  2. Because a majority of the management team opposes your plan, it must not be a good idea. (example: The answer is, this is a bandwagon fallacy.)
  3. One of your competitors tried a customer service plan specifically for women, but it did not succeed; therefore, your plan is doomed to failure.

For this assignment, respond to the executive’s argument. Identify the fallacy in each of his three points and explain how each is an error in reasoning. In other words, why is each point misleading? Remember to use in text citations with MLA format.

Your assignment may be presented as an essay or as answers to each of the three numbered points. Your response should be thorough and should use complete sentences.

***I will give you the information to my textbook once assigned a writer.


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