WAN to Backbone Integration read the scenario and propose a solution, communications homework help





WAN to Backbone Integration

Directions: Please read the scenario and propose a solution. (type your proposal in the text box)

Sunshine Health Corporation is seeking to improve overall connectivity across their corporate campus near the Hawaii Kai Marina, Honolulu, Hawaii. The campus buildings have recently been updated, thus the LANs achieve significant speeds under current standards. Transmission and data transfer between LANs and across the WAN are significantly diminished. The systems administrators at corporate have requested to work with your organization to improve WAN and backbone integration for more optimal performance. You have found that there are still parts of Hawaii including sections of Honolulu that are significantly behind the times and data transmission options. You must assess how you can best propose a plan for performance improvement as to their growing need for voice, video, and data transmission across their campus, and to their subsidiaries, moving across the cloud. What will you propose?

Have some fun as this is a very open discussion question. You are encouraged to do some research as to available technologies in this geographic area through different providers or research publications.

The initial post should be approximately 250 words. Please include a minimum of one of credible resource outside of the course materials. Please use APA format.



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