West Los Angeles College Market Equilibrium Discussion




1. Respond to the following prompts in a post with a minimum of 350 words,

• Think of a relevant example in your own life of how a change in the market (including information, preferences, technology, price of alternative goods, regulations, taxes, etc.) has shifted either the supply or demand of a good. How did this change affect the market equilibrium for that good or service? Explain.

• Next, find a relatively recent news article (within the past year) to support your finding (the news search feature in Google is helpful with this). If you cannot find an article specific to your example, you may find an article about another similar good or service. Summarize the article and its findings, then include the URL in your discussion post.

2. Respond to the following prompt in a post with a minimum of 350 words. Respond to the posts indicating your agreement or disagreement with their position and why. Feel free to bring in additional references to these reply posts.

• Find a current news article or video (within the past 12 months) that describes some government intervention in the economy with the intent of controlling prices. Identify the parties who benefit and those who are or will be hurt by this intervention. What unintended consequences will likely or have occurred as a result of this intervention. What is your opinion on this matter? Why? Include your thoughts and the link to the article in your post.


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