Rasmussen College Legal Resource for Nursing Staff Project





Analyze legal components related to nursing practice.


Your nurse manager has asked you to identify some key points from best practices in guarding against malpractice and to develop a small reminder resource for the staff nurses. The resource could be designed to attach to the back of a name badge or put into a small notebook that reminds them of the key steps for best practice and the standards of care for legal responsibility and malpractice.


Create a legal resource for nursing staff that:

Examines the definition of standards of care and scope of practice within the state of Florida, with comprehensive supporting details.

Determines the essential elements of nursing malpractice, with comprehensive supporting examples.

Provide exemplary appraisal of best practices for legal compliance with comprehensive supporting examples

Provides stated ideas with professional language and attribution for credible sources with correct APA
citation, spelling, and grammar in the legal resource. Please do this assignment using only research published within the past 5 years. Plagiarism free


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