DDHA 8800 Walden Multiple Regression and Structural Equation Modeling Case Study




Regression modeling is a foundational skill for those conducting secondary data analysis, much like you will encounter in the completion of the Doctor of Healthcare Administration (DHA) program. Additionally, regression modeling assists in finding connections among multiple variables and one dependent variable. Consider, for example, a healthcare administrator who may be asked to develop or interpret models of patient satisfaction based on other quantitative or dichotomous variables.

For this Assignment, review the resources for this week. Then, review your course text, and complete Case Study 11.1 on page 536 The case study is based on a real-world problem.

For Chapter 11, case study 11.1, you will need to download the file C11_01.xlsx from the textbook companion website http://www.cengage.com/cgi-wadsworth/course_products_wp.pl?fid=M20b&product_isbn_issn=9781305947542. Under “Book Resources”, click on “Student Downloads” to view the downloadable files. Click “Case Files” and download the zipped file 1305947541_538884.zip. Open the zipped file to access the file C11_01.xlsx.

The Assignment: (3–5 pages)

  • Complete Case Study 11.1, “Heating Oil at Dupree Fuel Company” on page 536 of your course text using SPSS.

The assignment is to complete Case Study 11.1 Heating Oil at Dupree Fuels Company on page 536 of the course text.Be sure to include all independent variables in one multiple regression model and address all parts of the assignment.

There is only one question, which requires “Interpreting multiple regression results” and “Provides results in a professional management report.”.Please include your SPSS output pasted into your Word document.


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