PSYC 3540 CU Children Undocumented Immigrants Citizenship Discussion




Issue: Should Children of Undocumented Immigrants Have a Birthright to U.S. Citizenship?

Yes: Eric Foner, from “Birthright Citizenship Sets America Apart,” The Cap Times (2010)
No: George F. Will, from “An Argument to Be Made about Immigrant Babies and Citizenship,” The Washington Post (2010)

Distinguished professor of history at Columbia University, Eric Foner examines the legal and constitutional basis for granting birthright citizenship and argues that this right illuminates the strength of American society. Conservative newspaper columnist and commentator, George F. Will is troubled by the facile tendency to grant birthright citizenship to the children of undocumented immigrants. He views this practice as reflecting a misinterpretation of the Bill of Rights and the Fourteenth Amendment. He vigorously opposes this policy.

ME: I am on the No Position side with 2 other people


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