ACT 575 UAGC Public Interest Discussion




Research the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct (The Code) on the AICPA website. Based on the definition of “public interest” in The Code, discuss what is considered the “public” and your thoughts regarding whether this definition adequately addresses all necessary parties as it relates to protecting users of audited financial statements.

By Thursday of this week, submit substantive initial posts of at least 250 words that answer or address the issues in the discussion board. By Sunday of this week, respond to two or more classmates, or your instructor, in any of the following ways:

  • Build on something your classmates said in the post
  • Explain why and how you see things differently
  • Ask a probing or clarifying question
  • Share an insight from having read your classmate’s posting
  • Offer and support an opinion
  • Expand on classmates’ postings

Refer to the discussion grading rubric for more information on expectations of class discussions.


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