Cash Flow & Equity and Debt Financing Article Questions

Question Description

I need help with a Business question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.


Using the articles and videos in the Module, answer the following questions and submit to me via Canvas.

  • What does it mean to “Build Connections with Lenders”?
  • What does it mean to “Train your Customers”
  • Give an example of “Shrinking your Cash Flow”.
  • Identify the two types of financing for new capital and give an example of each.
  • Define the term “ROBS” and “HELOC” and how they are used to finance a small business
  • What document should be signed when borrowing money from friends and/or family?
  • What products are most popular when seeking crowd source funding?
  • What is an advantage and disadvantage of obtaining funding from Angel investors or Venture Capitalists?
  • What is the primary difference between Equity and Debt financing?
  • Define the term “Burn rate”.
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