Integrated Learning Project Assignment Instructions




Integrated Learning Project Assignment Instructions




The integrated learning assignment is a series of 6 assignments and a final course consolidated submission. All assignments and the compilation of the final consolidated submission is managed as an individual assignment.


The purpose of the ILP is for everyone to develop a working model of an ERP system applied to a firm of their choosing. This model will be built up in modular format through weekly assignments culminating in the submission of the completed model in the final week of the course together with a management proposal detailing the costs and benefits as they apply to the income statement and balance sheet of the selected firm.


The development of the assignments will be supported not only by written instructions but also with an explanatory Watch item.


  • Each      component, from Module 3: Week 3 will be the development of an ERP module      in Excel relevant to the topic for that week. The Excel development will      follow SAP and other ERP systems formats. The Excel file will be      accompanied by a written assignment containing:
    1. Details on       how this ERP assignment could be implemented (assignment management       process, who should be involved, and why, etc.) within the chosen firm (min       300 words)
    2. Details on       how ERP could be operated (management process, who should be responsible,       numbers of different users of each module, data accuracy, etc.) within       the chosen firm (min 300 words)
    3. What could       be the future sources of inaccuracy in the data contained the ERP system       (min 300 words)
    4. How the       corruption of the data could be prevented (min 300 words)
    5. An analysis       and composition of the net benefit (benefits minus costs linked to income       statement and balance sheet) of the implemented ERP system
  • The final      integrated Excel ERP working model for your chosen firm, due at the end of      week 8, will tie all the preceding modules together into a fully      integrated working ERP model in Excel. The integrated modules will      include, Master Production Schedule, Bill of Materials, Materials      Requirements Planning, Capacity Planning, Distribution Requirements      Planning and Shop Floor Control. The Excel file will be submitted      simultaneous with the following written report. The final course report      would be about 3,000 words (excluding references and appendices), much of      which would have been accumulated over the preceding 6 weeks.
    1. The final       submission will also include a written management report detailing (1) a       recommendation for implementation based on a cost / benefits analysis (2)       implementation assignment plan with responsibilities, (3) a justified       recommendation for an ERP system (e.g. SAP, or other) and its operation       (local or cloud processing, scope of application (national, global, etc.)


Part 1 – Company selection – Characteristics – Manufacturing – Publicly available financial accounts – consumer or industrial product (either make to order or make to stock) – examples Tesla / Boeing (search YouTube “Mega factories” and choose one of these documentary examples to appreciate the level of manufacturing detail required). Structure your assignment as follows (word counts are minimums):

  • Master Production Scheduling (MPS) – Develop an Excel based Master Production Schedule for your chosen product. Use the format and logic as shown in the illustrative Excel spread sheet to be found under Course Content. Also review the Kaptur presentation for this week, as well as pages 281 through 303 in your Logistics textbook. Your MPS Excel file will be accompanied by a written assignment containing:
  • Enterprise Resource Planning – Develop an Excel analysis of the modules and functionality of 3 ERP systems, one of which must be SAP and the other 2 are of your choice. Follow the “ERP Links” tab under the Readings section of Course content for a listing of over 100 ERP software systems, including SAP. Overlay the functionality of these ERP systems onto the main manufacturing processes of your selected firm and determine which software best fits your chosen company. Your Excel analysis will accompany your written assignment which will contain:
  • Materials Requirements Planning – Develop an Excel based Materials Requirements Plan for your chosen product. Use the format and logic as shown in the illustrative Excel spread sheet to be found under Course Content. Show at least 4 MRP levels with sub-assemblies, purchased components, manufactured components, and raw materials. Review the Kaptur presentation for this week, as well as pages 233 through 305 in your Logistics textbook. Your MRP Excel file will be accompanied by a written assignment containing:
  • Distribution Requirements Planning – Develop an Excel based Distribution Requirements Plan for your chosen product. Use the format and logic as shown in the illustrative Excel spread sheet to be found under Course Content. Show at least 4 distribution warehouses with 4 components planned for each with at least 1 common to all distribution warehouses. Review the Kaltura presentation for this week, as well as pages 319 through 406 in your Logistics textbook. Your DRP Excel file will be accompanied by a written assignment containing:
  • Capacity Requirements Planning – Develop an Excel based Capacity Requirements Plan for your chosen product. Use the format and logic as shown in the Integrated Learning Project Example found on . Review the Kaptur presentation for this week, as well as pages 439 through 478 in your Logistics textbook. Your CRP Excel file will be accompanied by a written assignment containing:
  • Details on       how this module could be implemented (assignment management process, who       should be involved, and why, etc.) within the chosen firm (300 words)
  • Details on       how this module could be operated (management process, key factors in the       MPS policy, who should be responsible and why, the users of this modules       data, etc.) within the chosen firm (300 words)
  • What could       be the future sources of inaccuracy in the data contained in the module       (300 words)
  • A comparison       of any 2 MPS schedule formats and logic taken from or other MPS types from       your own research of available MPS software (300 words)
  • Description       of the how the software selection criteria (and which ones) were chosen       for your company (300)
  • An analysis       and tabulation of the strengths and weaknesses of the main modules of       each software solution when compared of your selection criteria (300)
  • A discussion       of any ancillary data capture equipment and other software that may be       advantageous to the operation of the ERP system in your company (300)
  • Consideration       of which functional areas would be responsible for the operation of each       of the major ERP modules (300)
  • An analysis       of the possible software costs of your recommended ERP software (300)
  • Details on       how this module could be implemented (assignment management process, who       should be involved, and why, etc.) within the chosen firm (300 words)
  • Details on       how this module could be operated (management process, key factors in the       MRP operating policy, who should be responsible and why, the users of       this modules data, etc.) within the chosen firm (300 words)
  • What could       be the future sources of inaccuracy in the data contained in the module       (300 words)
  • A comparison       of any 2 MRP schedule formats and logic taken from or other MRP types from       your own research of available MRP software (300 words)
  • Details on       how this module could be implemented (assignment management process, who       should be involved, and why, etc.) within the chosen firm (300 words)
  • Details on       how this module could be operated (management process, key factors in the       DRP operating policy, who should be responsible and why, the users of       this modules data, etc.) within the chosen firm (300 words)
  • What could       be the future sources of inaccuracy in the data contained in the module       (300 words)
  • A comparison       of any 2 DRP schedule formats and logic taken from or other DRP types from       your own research of available MRP software (300 words)
  • Details on       how this module could be implemented (assignment management process, who       should be involved, and why, etc.) within the chosen firm (300 words)
  • Details on       how this module could be operated (management process, key factors in the       CRP operating policy, who should be responsible and why, the users of       this modules data, etc.) within the chosen firm (300 words)
  • What could       be the future sources of inaccuracy in the data contained in the module       (300 words)
  • A comparison       of any 2 CRP schedule formats and logic taken from ERP Software or other CRP types from your own research of       available CRP software (300 words)

Part 7 – Assignment Plan – Develop a time phased assignment plan for the implementation of an ERP system at your selected firm. Review the assigned Learn material, as well as pages 511 through 551 in your Logistics textbook. Your time phased assignment plan Excel file will be accompanied by a written assignment containing:

  • Overall       structure of the ERP implementation plan detailing responsibilities and       timing (300 words)
  • Details on       the Education and Training activities of the plan, their sequencing and       timing (300 words)
  • Details on       the key activities in the Bills of Materials sub-assignment to achieve a       company document with 98% accuracy (300 words)
  • Details on       the key activities in the Warehouse sub-assignment to achieve a minimum       of 95% accuracy (300 words)
  • Details on       the key activities in the Master Production Schedule sub-assignment to       achieve a 98% customer service accuracy (300 words)

Part 8 – Final Submission – The final integrated Excel ERP working model for your chosen firm, due at the end of week 8, will tie all the preceding modules together into a fully integrated working ERP model in Excel. The integrated modules will include, Master Production Schedule, Bill of Materials, Materials Requirements Planning, Capacity Planning, Distribution Requirements Planning and Shop Floor Control. The Excel file will be submitted simultaneous with the following written report. The final course report would be about 3,000 words (excluding references and appendices), much of which would have been accumulated over the preceding 6 weeks.

  • The final       submission will also include a written management report detailing (1) a       recommendation for implementation based on a cost / benefits analysis (2)       implementation assignment plan with responsibilities, (3) a justified       recommendation for an ERP system (e.g. SAP, or other) and its operation       (local or cloud processing, scope of application (national, global, etc.)

Part 2 -Master Production Scheduling (MPS) – Develop an Excel based Master Production Schedule for your chosen product. Use the format and logic as shown in the illustrative Excel spread sheet to be found under Course Content. Also review the Kaptur presentation for this week, as well as pages 281 through 303 in your Logistics textbook. Your MPS Excel file will be accompanied by a written assignment containing:

Details on how this module could be implemented (assignment management process, who should be involved, and why, etc.) within the chosen firm (300 words)

Details on how this module could be operated (management process, key factors in the MPS policy, who should be responsible and why, the users of this modules data, etc.) within the chosen firm (300 words)

What could be the future sources of inaccuracy in the data contained in the module (300 words)

A comparison of any 2 MPS schedule formats and logic taken from or other MPS types from your own research of available MPS software (300 words)


Enterprise Resource Planning – Develop an Excel analysis of the modules and functionality of 3 ERP systems, one of which must be SAP and the other 2 are of your choice. Follow the “ERP Links” tab under the Readings section of Course content for a listing of over 100 ERP software systems, including SAP. Overlay the functionality of these ERP systems onto the main manufacturing processes of your selected firm and determine which software best fits your chosen company. Your Excel analysis will accompany your written assignment which will contain:

Description of the how the software selection criteria (and which ones) were chosen for your company (300)

An analysis and tabulation of the strengths and weaknesses of the main modules of each software solution when compared of your selection criteria (300)

A discussion of any ancillary data capture equipment and other software that may be advantageous to the operation of the ERP system in your company (300)

Consideration of which functional areas would be responsible for the operation of each of the major ERP modules (300)

An analysis of the possible software costs of your recommended ERP software (300)

Part 4

Materials Requirements Planning – Develop an Excel based Materials Requirements Plan for your chosen product. Use the format and logic as shown in the illustrative Excel spread sheet to be found under Course Content. Show at least 4 MRP levels with sub-assemblies, purchased components, manufactured components, and raw materials. Review the Kaptur presentation for this week, as well as pages 233 through 305 in your Logistics textbook. Your MRP Excel file will be accompanied by a written assignment containing:

Details on how this module could be implemented (assignment management process, who should be involved, and why, etc.) within the chosen firm (300 words)

Details on how this module could be operated (management process, key factors in the MRP operating policy, who should be responsible and why, the users of this modules data, etc.) within the chosen firm (300 words)

What could be the future sources of inaccuracy in the data contained in the module (300 words)

A comparison of any 2 MRP schedule formats and logic taken from or other MRP types from your own research of available MRP software (300 words)


Distribution Requirements Planning – Develop an Excel based Distribution Requirements Plan for your chosen product. Use the format and logic as shown in the illustrative Excel spread sheet to be found under Course Content. Show at least 4 distribution warehouses with 4 components planned for each with at least 1 common to all distribution warehouses. Review the Kaltura presentation for this week, as well as pages 319 through 406 in your Logistics textbook. Your DRP Excel file will be accompanied by a written assignment containing:

Details on how this module could be implemented (assignment management process, who should be involved, and why, etc.) within the chosen firm (300 words)

Details on how this module could be operated (management process, key factors in the DRP operating policy, who should be responsible and why, the users of this modules data, etc.) within the chosen firm (300 words)

What could be the future sources of inaccuracy in the data contained in the module (300 words)

A comparison of any 2 DRP schedule formats and logic taken from or other DRP types from your own research of available MRP software (300 words)


Capacity Requirements Planning – Develop an Excel based Capacity Requirements Plan for your chosen product. Use the format and logic as shown in the Integrated Learning Project Example found on . Review the Kaptur presentation for this week, as well as pages 439 through 478 in your Logistics textbook. Your CRP Excel file will be accompanied by a written assignment containing:

Details on how this module could be implemented (assignment management process, who should be involved, and why, etc.) within the chosen firm (300 words)

Details on how this module could be operated (management process, key factors in the CRP operating policy, who should be responsible and why, the users of this modules data, etc.) within the chosen firm (300 words)

What could be the future sources of inaccuracy in the data contained in the module (300 words)

A comparison of any 2 CRP schedule formats and logic taken from ERP Software or other CRP types from your own research of available CRP software (300 words)


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