diversity papers attn professor geek

#1 Race Paper:  


Explore the question of biological difference and whether the concept of race has any scientific validity. Utilize the following resources. Resources Race: Are We So Different? A Project of the American Anthropological Association American Anthropological Association Statement on “Race” Optional: Race & Genetics FAQ Optional: The Status of the Race Concept in American Anthropology Optional: in The Matrix Reader, read Chapter 40: “Excerpts From Race and Ethnic Relations: American and Global Perspectives” by Martin Marger. 


double spacing, 12 point Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins, and APA citations. Page length is 2–3 pages, 600 words minimum.



#2 Topic Worksheet Paper:


For this milestone, you will choose a local or global issue that pertains to problems in diversity. The chosen issue should also relate to one or more of the topics that is addressed in this course (sociology of diversity, biological diversity, cultural identity, diversity through socioeconomic status, etc.). In the presentation that you will create for the final project, you will explain the issue and how it pertains to culture. Include problems in diversity and any applicable topics, and provide a plan of action for addressing this issue. This plan includes recommendations for improvements as well as strategies and a plan for implementing the recommendations.


Use the prompts below to help you decide on the specific topic you will address in your final project.


1.     Briefly describe your discipline of study or chosen profession, at this point in time, and the impact that diversity issues have on it.

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2.     Describe the local or global issue you have selected to analyze for your final project. Which problem in diversity and course topic(s) does it address?

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3.     Given that you will need to conduct serious research on the issue, is it sufficiently narrow to discuss in a presentation that is about 10 minutes in length? If not, what sub issue within the larger one can you address?

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