applied business law 1m 10242073 2


(4a b) There are two components to this week’s homework.

  1. Northwest Brands, Inc., is a small business incorporated in Minnesota. Its one class of stock is owned by twelve members of a single family. Ordinarily, corporate income is taxed at the corporate and shareholder levels. Is there a way for Northwest Brands to avoid this double income taxation? Explain your answer. This portion of your assignment should be 1/2 1 page in length.
  2. As company ombudsman, your task is to investigate complaints of wrongdoing on the part of corporate directors and officers, decide whether there is a violation of the law, and deal with the wrongdoers accordingly. Jane, a shareholder of Goodly Corporation, alleges that its directors decided to invest heavily in the firm’s growth in negligent reliance on its officers’ faulty financial reports. This caused Goodly to borrow to meet its obligations, resulting in a drop in its stock price. Are the directors liable? Why or why not? This portion of your assignment should be 1/2 1 page in length.
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