chief operating officer where you work does not understand why company should waste their ti

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The Chief Operating Officer where you work does not understand why the company should waste their time in preparing the statement of cash flows. He wants to have a better understanding of this financial statement and asks you to do the following:

  • Select two companies in the same industry, and use the Internet to find their current statement of cash flows; provide citations for both.
  • For each company, answer the following questions:
    • Which method do they each use when calculating the net cash provided by operating activities?
    • What was the most significant item reported by each company in their investing section and in their financing section?
    • What were the companies’ trends in net cash provided by operating activities during this period of time?

Grading Criteria


Select two companies in the same industry, and use the Internet to find their current statement of cash flows; provide citations for both.


Which method does each company use when calculating the net cash provided by operating activities?


What was the most significant item reported by each company in their investing section and in their financing section?


What were each companies’ trends in net cash provided by operating activities during this period of time?


Additional research supporting the initial answer to the IP by using references which are cited in the IP


Justified ideas and responses by using appropriate examples or personal experience.

This assignment will be assessed using additional criteria provided here

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