assignment 7835927 2

Part 1


Provide a substantive paragraph or more for each question listed below.  Please include a reference to support your ideas in this assignment.  Take the time to cover all the elements of the question thoroughly and succinctly.

Intellectual Disability (ID) is one of several areas of disability under IDEA. Typically ID refers to individual students who possess cognitive abilities which are extremely below average (average IQ scores range from 90 110 and student with an ID have cognitive abilities below 70), and whose adaptive skills are at least 2 years below their same age peers. Intellectual Disability is one of several areas of disability under IDEA. Although IDEA uses the term Mental Retardation, it should be noted that the term is controversial. Many special education associated groups, teachers and parents advocate strongly for the substitution of the term Intellectual Disabilities instead of Mental Retardation. Some states use the term, Cognitive Disabilities. At this time, lawmakers do not consider it a significant issue enough to change the language in the law. 

  1. Research at least 2 websites which give good definitions of ID for both parents and educators.  List the URL address for these websites and share one positive use of each website for parents or educators.
  1. Identify at least two appropriate classroom instruction accommodations for students with an ID and explain their relevance. Use outside resources or websites in order to find the information, and cite them within your response.
  1. Discuss your own perception of students with an ID and their special education needs based on your research for this Assignment.

MS word or RTF format only please.


Part 2

Directions: A substantive paragraph or more for each question should be included to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts.  Please include a reference to support your ideas in this assignment.  Take the time to cover all the elements of the question thoroughly and succinctly.

Children with impairments in sight and hearing constitute a small portion of students who currently receive special education services. However, the range of special education services for these students may be more restrictive than for special education students who are not deaf, blind, or hard of hearing. For this last and final worksheet, please do the following (based on your readings and web research this week):

1)    1) Describe at least three special education services for students with impairments in sight and hearing;

2)    2) Find and describe one professional organization dedicated to students with impairments in sight or hearing.



M     MS word or RTF format only please

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