due tomorrow finance


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Week Four Case #2:  (Show ALL work)


Cash flow exercise


Joseph Pharmacy had sales of $25,000 in December and $30,000 in January. The company expects sales of $20,000 in February and $40,000 in both March and April, and $30,000 in May.  The company has no other source of cash inflows. Half of the sales are paid for with cash. Twenty five percent are paid for in each of the two months following the sale.


Joseph Pharmacy has the following expenses: (show all of your work)

·                     Monthly rent of $1,500

·                     Wages of $5,000 each month

·                     Purchases

o        50% of next month’s sales

o        Cash Outlay

§     20% in month purchased

§     80% in following month


From the information provided:


1.      Calculate the projected Cash Receipts for the three months of February, March, and April (Tables have been set up for you)

Sales forecast






Cash Sales






Collection of AR:

Lagged 1 Month

Lagged 2 Months










Other Cash Receipts






Total Cash Receipts








2.       Calculate the projected Cash Disbursements for the same months

A Schedule of Projected Cash Disbursements for Joseph Pharmacy














(50% of last month’s sales)














Rent payments






















  1.  Indicate what the total cash balance would be at the end of these three months if the cash balance at the beginning of February was $1,500.

February Cash balance







Total Cash Receipts












Cash Disbursements














Balance from Feb April







4.                  Define cash inflows and cash outflows

5.                  If I have a budget where expected gross receipts are what is obtained in #1 and my expected cash disbursements are what is obtained in #2.  What can you tell me about the cash balance (obtained in #3) if you were doing a variance analysis?

6.                  What is a cash budget, a flexible budget, CAPEX, and OPEX?

7.                  How often do you use some form of budgeting?  Why?


8.                  If the business world is allowed to explain away their variances to budget, why is budgeting so important?

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