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Library Research Assignment

You are new member of internal affairs and are still getting to know everybody. You have been asked by your lieutenant to write a report using his notes on a case. Although there is a great deal of paperwork marked “Confidential,” he told you to only write the report based on what was in the blue folder. As you are writing the report, you opened the other folders in the packet and noticed that some information was left out—information that could implicate another officer in the field. The officer in the field is your lieutenant’s brother, who is a major in the city’s police department. You start to think that there may be a cover up going on.

Using the library, Internet, or other media sources, find various articles pertaining to police corruption and misconduct to write a paper of 2–4 pages that discusses the following:

  • Should you do exactly what was asked of you, or should you approach the lieutenant’s supervisor?
  • What are the implications of writing the report as asked?
  • What are the implications of approaching your lieutenant’s supervisor? 
  • What are theimplications of the actions or nonactions in this situation that can impact your job status, other parties involved, and the community?
  • Incorporate theoretical concepts to associate this scenario with morality, ethics, and specific behaviors that influence the consequences (good or bad) associated with moral and immoral behaviors.
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