accounting last homework

E13 11 (both methods)


The comparative statement of financial position for Puffy Ltd. follows:


Statement of Financial Position

December 31

                                    2012                           2011



Cash                                                                                        $ 53,000                $ 22,000

Accounts receivable                                                               80,000                      76,000

Inventories                                                                             185,000                   189,000

Land                                                                                       70,000                    100,000

Equipment                                                                             265,000                 200,000

Accumulated depreciation                                                   ( 66,000)              ( 32,000)

Total assets                                                                            $ 587,000           $ 555,000


Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity

Accounts payable                                                                  $ 39,000                 $ 47,000

Bank loan payable                                                                150,000                    200,000

Common shares                                                                    199,000                  174,000

Retained earnings                                                                 199,000                   134,000

Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity                           $ 587,000             $ 555,000



Additional information:

1. Pro t was $ 115,000.

2. Sales were $ 978,000.

3. Cost of goods sold was $ 751,000.

4. Operating expenses were $ 43,000, exclusive of depreciation expense.

5. Depreciation expense was $ 34,000.

6. Interest expense was $ 14,000.

7. Income tax expense was $ 26,000.

8. Land was sold at a gain of $ 5,000.

9. No equipment was sold during the year.

10. $ 50,000 of the bank loan was repaid during the year.

11. Common shares were issued for $ 25,000.


Instructions Prepare a statement of cash ows using ( a) the indirect method, or ( b) the direct method, as assigned by your instructor.



P13 9A


Selected information ( in thousands) for Reitmans ( Canada) Limited and Le Château Inc. for fiscal 2010 follows:


                                                                                    Reitmans                    Le Château


Net cash provided by operating activities              $ 146,139                  $ 41,643

Average current liabilities                                        77,798                        42,691  

Average total liabilities                                             115,926                     76,414

Net capital expenditures                                          33,185                        20,075

Dividends paid                                                          49,351                        17,010



a) Calculate the cash current debt coverage ratio, cash total debt coverage ratio, and free cash flow for each company.

b) Using the ratios calculated in (a), compare the liquidity and solvency of the two companies.



P14 3A


The following condensed information is available for the former Big Rock Brewery Income Trust, known as Big Rock Brewery Inc. effective January 1, 2011:


Statement of Financial Position

December 31

(in thousands)

2010               2009               2008

Assets Current assets                                         $ 7,426           $ 8,380          $ 6,684

Non current assets                                            27,035            27,985            29,216

Total assets                                                         $ 34,461         $ 36,365         $ 35,900


Liabilities and Unitholders’ Equity


Current liabilities                                               $ 4,322           $ 4,725           $ 4,676

Non current liabilities                                       4,786              5,939              6,228

Total liabilities                                                       9,108              10,664            10,904

Unitholders’ equity                                             25,353            25,701            24,996

Total liabilities and unitholders’

equity                                                                    $ 34,461         $ 36,365         $ 35,900




Income Statement December 31

(in thousands)

2010               2009               2008

Net sales                                                         $ 45,130         $ 46,232         $ 37,633

Cost of sales                                                     19,418            20,216            14,905

Gross profit                                                       25,712            26,016            22,728

Operating expenses                                       20,054            19,038            18,345

Profit from operations                                    5,658              6,978              4,383

Interest expense                                                  147                 142                 178

Other income                                                   ( 327)                ( 304)               ( 219)

Profit before income tax                                  5,838              7,140              4,424

Income tax recovery                                       ( 279)                ( 289)               ( 531)

Profit                                                                   $ 6,117           $ 7,429           $ 4,955



a) Prepare a vertical analysis of the statement of financial position and income statement for each year.

b) Identify the key components in Big Rock’s statement of financial position and income statement that are primarily responsible for the change in the company’s financial position and performance over the three year period.

c) How has Big Rock primarily financed its assets— through debt or equity— over the last three years?



P13 6B (indirect only)

Financial statements for Nackawic Inc. follow:



Statement of Financial Position

December 31

               2012                           2011


Assets Cash                                                                $ 82,700                     $ 47,250

Accounts receivable                                                  80,800                        37,000

Inventories                                                                131,900                     102,650

Long term investments                                          94,500                        107,000

Property, plant, and equipment                              290,000                     205,000

Accumulated depreciation                                       ( 49,500)                   ( 40,000)

Total assets                                                                $ 630,400                  $ 458,900


Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity

Accounts payable                                                      $ 62,700                     $ 48,280

Accrued liabilities                                                      12,100                        18,830

Bank loan payable                                                    140,000                     70,000

Common shares                                                        240,000                     200,000

Retained earnings                                                     175,600                     121,790

Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity               $ 630,400                 $ 458,900




Income Statement Year Ended

December 31, 2012

Sales                                                                                                               $ 317,500

Cost of goods sold                                                                                         99,460

Gross profit                                                                                                    218,040

Operating expenses                                                                                      82,120

Profit from operations                                                                                  135,920

Other expenses and losses

Interest expense                                                       $ 12,940

Realized loss on sale of long term investments   7,500       20,440

Profit before income tax                                                                              115,480

Income tax expense                                                                                      27,670

Profit                                                                                                              $ 87,810



Additional information:

1. Long term investments were sold for $ 5,000, resulting in a realized loss of $ 7,500.

2. New equipment costing $ 141,000 was purchased for $ 71,000 cash and a $ 70,000 bank loan payable.

3. Equipment costing $ 56,000 was sold for $ 15,550, resulting in a gain of $ 8,750.

4. Accounts payable relate to merchandise creditors; accrued liabilities relate to operating expenses.

5. A dividend was paid during the year.

6. Operating expenses include $ 58,700 of depreciation expense and an $ 8,750 gain on sale of equipment.



a) Prepare the statement of cash flows, using either (1) the indirect method or (2) the direct method, as assigned by your instructor.

b) Nackawic’s cash position increased by 75 percent between 2011 and 2012. Identify the primary reason(s) for this significant increase.

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