histroy multiple questions need help asap

1 of 20

Which of the following statements is NOT accurate ?

A.The seniority system favors members from one party regions

B.The seniority system s often attacked as being undemocratic.

C.Seniority is an unwritten rule, which is generally followed when appointing committee chairs.

D.Seniority allows members to devlope policy expertise.


2 of 20

Congressional Republicans were opposed to the Wazman Markey bill because ?

A.they believed it would amount to a large consumer tax increase

B.they thought it did not go far enough to address climate change

C.Waxman was the Speaker of the House

D.environmental lobby groups had helped them in recent elections.


3 of 20

Which of the following pairs of first ladies are most similar in the way have interpreted thier roles as public figures ?

A.Eleanor Roosevelt and Laura Bush

B.Laura Bush and Michelle Obama

C.Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama

D.Dollt Madison and Laura Bush


4 of 20

A government corporation ?

A.is intended to oversee private corporation

B.is intended to support its operations with its self generated revenues

C.is the preferred method of Republicans for organizing government services.

D.was a common form of government organization during the Gilded Age.


5 of 20

In which case did the U.S congress declare war ?

A.The vietnam war

B.The Kosovo conflict

C.The Persian Gulf war

D.World War II


6 of 20

In recent years, party loyalty in votes in both houses has ?

A.increased among both Democrats and Republicans

B.decreased among both Democrats and Republicans

C.increased among republicans and decreased among democrats

D.remained static


7 of 20

The Congressional Budget and Impondment Control Act 1974 attempted to give cONGRESS MORE CONTROL OVER government expenditures by ?

A.enabling congress to propose an alternative budget to the president’s budget.

B.establishing the ways and means commitee in the house.

C.revoking the president’s right to submit a budget to congress.

D.establising a new cabinet post to coordinate the budget.


8 of 20

The role of chief of state is most like ?

A.the British prime minister

B.the Queen of England

C.the Secretary of state.

D.the  Chief justice of the Supreme court


9 of 20

The president pro tempore of the senate ?

A.is the longest serving member from the maojority party

B.also serves as the chamber’s majority leader.

C.is the most powerful party leader

D.appoints members of the Rules Committee.


10 of 20

A part caucus is ?

A.a method used to stall debate on the Senate floor.

B.needed to override a president’s veto.

C.conducted by every newly elected member of congress

D. a meeting of all members of the same party serving in the House or Senate.


11 of 20

The basic working units of congress are ?

A.conference committee

B.special committee

C.standing committee

D.caucus committee


12 of 20

Tax legislation is first sent to which House committee ?

A.Rules committee

B.Ways and Means Committee

C.Appropriations Committee

D.Energy and Commerce Committee


13 of 20

Vice President Joe Biden seeks to ?

A.shrink the office of vise president to an advisory role to the president

B.expand the office to include oversight of homeland security

C.prosecute former Vice President Cheney for support for torture.

D.spend his time presiding over the Senate


14 of 20

Images such as “captain of the ship” “finding common ground,” and “want to be presdent when there are big problems” come from ?

A.George H.W.Bush

B.James Buchanan

C.Barack Obama

D.Dwight D.Eisenhower


15 of 20

The Executive office of the president ?

A.was established in Aerticle II of the constitution

B.was established in the mid 20th century to assist the president in managing the bureaucracy.

C.was an agency that Ronald Regan tried to abolish when he asumed the presidency.

D.has direct supervision over cabinet departments.


16 of 20

Conference committee ?

A.are temporary bodies comprised of “hand picked” senators and represntatives

B.are comprised of all majority party members

C.meet to override a presidential veto

D.meet to schedule a annual part caucus events.


17 OF 20

Which of the following is NOT true about the electrol college ?

A.Except for Maine and Nebraska, the states appoint thier members of the electrol college on a “winner takes all”basis.

B.A presidential candidates needs 270 electrol votes to win office outright.

C.If no candidate receives a majority in the electrol college, the elections is decided by a majority vote in the House of representatives, with each state delegation casting one vote.

D.All electors must vote for the candidate that they pledged to support.


18 of 20

Which of the following bodies sets the terms for debate and voting on legislation in the House of Represntatives?

A.The Democractic  Caucus

B.The Republican Caucus 

C.The Committee on Committees

D.The Rules Committee


19 of 20

The excutive office of the President includes which of the following ?

A.Office of the Vice President.

B.Office of Management and Budget

C.White House Counsel

D.Department of Homeland Security


20 of 20

Franklin D.Roosevelt is called the first “modern” president because he ?

A.ran for three terms

B.attempted to pack the Supreme Court.

C.was the first presdient to involve the United States in a world war.

D.established strong leadership patterns in both domestic and foreign policy, and in creating the executive bureaucracy.


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