netw206 final exam

Final Exam question

They are multiple question answers on networking inrtroduction to switching.

please only teachers or people that know 100% about computer tech. and over all networking.

once again multiple question answers on networking inrtroduction to switching.


please I have a time frame of two (2) HOURS. It is a final and I can not be let down. they have to be answered in the next two hours but will greatly appreciate it if it was in an hour and a hlaf. just to get all them in.

If you thing that you can not do it in that time frame please do not ask to help me. once the time frame passes they will closs my exam and will not be able to take it or get extra hours. please and thank you. 


please also stay incontact with me while working within the given time frame. please also only help me if you can keep your promise on the time. Time is a big must along with the right answers. 🙂

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