
8.3.11 StudyExplore Essay Writing: Argument
Date: ____________


This study sheet will help you to write a rough draft of the speech assignment that you will revise later on. Answer the following questions as you work through your study to build a strong and successful speech.

Your Assignment

Write a five minute speech about one of the armed conflicts in which America decided to intervene to stop injustice. 

You will . . .

  • Conduct research on an armed conflict in which America participated in order to stop injustice.
  • Include multimedia in your speech.
  • Create notes to plan how you will use multimedia to support your claim about American intervention.
  • Write and present an argument speech with an effective introduction, body, conclusion, and transitions.

1. What is your preliminary topic, and who are your audience(s)? What does each audience know about the topic? Do they bring already existing opinions to the topic?
2. What evidence, other than audiovisual, will you use in your speech? How did you find this evidence?
3. What is your claim?
4. Brainstorm some possible audiovisual elements you would like to put in your speech.
5. Write your outline here. Be sure to include where your audiovisual elements will go.

6. Write a draft to flesh out your introduction here.

7. Draft your two or three body paragraphs here:

8. Draft your conclusion here.

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