american history 4

In Unit 4, we learned about the Civil Rights movement of the 50s and 60s.Today, African Americans have rights but what about other groups? You are a student taking this class online and it’s a great opportunity, but what if there were no online schools? What if somebody in the government decided they disliked online education and tried to pass legislation doing away with it? Scary scenario, no? It could happen. Then your chance to take online courses could vanish. It’s time to take action! 


In the Unit 4 project, you will write a formal, five paragraph business letter to your state representative and persuade him or her to keep online education legal. 


Express your opinion on the issue politely, and remember that you are writing to a congressperson from your state so use formal language.

Explain why you feel online educational opportunities are important.

Be sure to include yourself in the letter. How does the issue affect you? 

Use correct standard business letter formatting and punctuate the letter correctly. You must have a heading, inside address, salutation, and closing. See the examples below. You may write your actual congressperson or make up a fictional one. 

The body of your letter must be at least three paragraphs long. 




Your name and address


Inside Address: 

The Honorable (full name)

(Room #) (Name) House Office Building

United States House of Representatives

Washington, DC 20515



Dear Representative:



Sincerely yours, [or something close]

(Your full name)

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