help philosophy ethics 0

Describe what parts of the theories we studied that met minimum conception of morality criteria of reason and impartiality you are incorporating into your Best Plan.  These are:

Utilitarian, including act/rule/multi strategies versions;

Kant’s Theory

 Care Based Feminists writings

 Virtue Moral Theories

 Describe your “Best Plan” choosing principals from these moral theories.   This plan should include a set of moral principals you plan to follow in pursuing your life and your career.  Part of this plan will be identifying the type of moral decisions you will be faced with and which part of these theories you will use in making moral and ethical decisions in each of the following circumstances:

Describe decisions you will make that affect people you may never meet.  You may be voting on a bond issue that will improve the local high school.  You might be deciding how to allocate funds for medical research or how much federal aid to give to developing countries.  What moral principals described in the theories above would be most useful in these circumstances?

There are other moral decisions you will make in interacting with people you know casually, such as work associates, people you meet on a bus or in a grocery store.  You may come across someone who is lost and needs help; you may be the first to arrive at the scene of an accident. What principals from the above theories will be the most useful in guiding moral or ethical decisions that might arise in dealing with this group of casual relationships?

There will be decisions you will make regarding family and friends.  You will have to decide how to be a good parent, a good friend, or a good son or daughter for an ageing parent.  Describe which principals set forth in the theories above would be most helpful in dealing with loved ones.  

 Turn this in on as well as COL

You will be sighting this plan as you write your Ethical Analysis paper on the topic of your choice.  You will use the principles in your “Best Plan” to explain the decisions you reach in studying the research and making a moral decision about what actions need to be taken in the area of study.  I am looking for the papers to be about 1500 words.  Really try to think about this and come up with a set of principles you believe in.  This is the time in your life to think through these issues.  Late submissions will have a 10% penalty for each day late up to three days.




Describe what parts of the theories we studied that met minimum conception of morality criteria of reason and impartiality you are incorporating into your Best Plan. These are Utilitarian, including act/rule/multi strategies versions; Kant’s Theory, Care Based Feminists writings as well as Virtue Moral Theories.  Describe your “Best Plan”.  This plan should include a set of moral principals you plan to follow in pursuing your life and your career.  Part of this plan will be identifying the type of moral decisions you will be faced with and which part of these theories you will use in making the right choice.  In other words, there will be decisions you will make that affect people you may never meet.  There are other decisions you will make in interacting with people you know casually, such as work associates.  There will be decisions you will make regarding family and friends.  Describe which parts of these theories would be most helpful in each area.  See attached document for details.

 Turn this in on as well as COL

You will be sighting this plan as you write your Ethical Analysis paper on the topic of your choice.  You will use the principles in your “Best Plan” to explain the decisions you reach in studying the research and making a moral decision about what actions need to be taken in the area of study.  I am looking for the papers to be about 1800 words.  Really try to think about this and come up with a set of principles you believe in.  This is the time in your life to think through these issues.  Late submissions will have a 10% penalty for each day late up to three days at which point you will be assigned a 0.


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