evaluation data

Locate one recent (within the past 5 years) nursing quantitative* and one recent (within the past 5 years) nursing qualitative* research study and carefully review the way the data collected were evaluated for trustworthiness:

  1. Using the knowledge and insights gained from the assigned readings and other reliable sources, describe how researchers addressed the reliability and validity in each study.
  2. End your discussion by addressing the importance of the nurse understanding the trustworthiness of the research data as evidence based clinical decisions are made.
  3. Provide at least three citations with full references to credible nursing scholarly articles supporting your definitions and discussion.
  4. Please attach the studies so others may review them.


*Be sure the research studies you choose are different from the approved studies you will be critiquing.


I must have a qualative and quantative study attached in this portion for the answer….. they article must be from the us and current also include a nurse as an author 

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