i need done sunday 121915

Resources: University of Phoenix: Week Three Film List; Week Three Electronic Reserve Readings; Ch. 6 of Film; and Microsoft® PowerPoint® Tutorial

Watch your selected comedy, horror, or science fiction film, viewing one film from one of the three genres.

Create a 4 to 7 slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation describing your selected genre and how your chosen film fits or does not fit the standard model of the genre. Include the following: 

  • Description of your selected genre
  • Description of the film’s following components: 
    • Summary of the film’s story
    • Setting & lighting
    • Makeup & costumes
    • Music & sound
  • Discussion of the film as either typical or atypical of its respective genre and how each film’s components support your view 

Address fictional aspects of film as discussed in Ch. 6 of Film by writing the following for inclusion on one Microsoft® PowerPoint® slide: 

  • Create your own genre movie character and write a goal for your character, a conflict he or she encounters, and how he or she resolves the conflict and achieves the goal. 

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

Present your Week Three Genre Presentation. 

  • For Local Campus students, these are oral presentations accompanied by Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations.
  • For Online and Directed Study students, these are Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations with notes.


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