can you do paper 0

Select an industry.

Write a 700 to 1,050 word paper that identifies each link in the supply chain and the purpose and value in each. For example, if the shoe industry were to be chosen, the supply chain might look something like:


  • plans the product mix
  • designs the shoes
  • determines the materials
  • makes the shoes
  • advertises the shoes
  • ships in bulk to middlemen


  • receives shipment from manufacturer
  • establishes relationships with retailers
  • extends credit to retailers
  • breaks down from bulk quantities to smaller cases
  • ships product to retailers


  • displays the shoes
  • advertises to drive consumers into the store
  • determines product selection
  • pays salespeople to help the consumer decide
  • processes the transaction
  • transfers possession to the consumer    

  Remember…APA stile

it should be written in third person

at lease 3 references

can you do the introduction and conclusion?

no plagiarism

and use a recognized company

I’ll pay $15

you have more than 36 hrs to do so.

Let me know please

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