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It can be difficult for students in any class to understand the importance of equity in their classroom. “It’s not fair!” is a common reaction from students who observe other students getting benefits that they did not receive. For example, some students with specific learning disabilities may receive additional time to complete assignments. Wardle (2013) points out a clear distinction between equality and equity noting that “A colorblind approach is one that treats everyone exactly the same with no regard to race, ethnicity, ability/disability, sexual orientation, gender, social class, and so on” and that

Implicit in this [culturally relevant] approach is that all aspects of the school need to adjust and change to enable students from varied backgrounds to succeed academically. The popular colorblind approach, however, proposes a very different view of equal education for all students (p. ). 

This discussion asks you to reflect on the importance of valuing equity over equality in the classroom and in life outside the classroom. You will identify examples that illustrate the values of equality versus equity in popular culture (such as advertisements, television shows or movies, and song lyrics). You are asked to reflect on the nature of these two distinct concepts and their importance in education and life outside the classroom.

Initial Post: In this discussion post, identify examples of equity versus equality in popular culture that you might be able to use in a class to help your students understand the value of equity. Create a document that presents clear examples of the differences between equity and equality as depicted in the media. This might include advertisements (pictures), song lyrics, or commercials (linked from, for example). Find at least two examples that illustrate specific differences between the two concepts of equity and equality and clearly explain in your document how the examples illustrate equity versus equality. Try to locate examples that could be used in a class you might teach now or in the future. You can create your document in Microsoft Word or use a Google document and share the link to the document with your post rather than attaching it. 

Next, briefly reflect on the role equity plays in the classroom by explaining how you would use your selected examples to help students understand the differences between equity and equality, and why equity is more important in the classroom. Provide at least two examples of how equity can aid diverse learners in the classroom (e.g., language issues, assessments, grading, instructional needs and accessibility, etc.). Summarize how the underlying principles of culturally relevant instruction contribute to equity in the classroom.

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