eulogy hw



Directions: Write a eulogy commemorating the life of someone you have lost, such as a friend or relative. (It must be at least two thirds of one page long, but no more than 2 pages.) It must be typed, double spaced, include a separate cover sheet: Name, , “Assignment 4” and the date.

  • If you did not know the person well, you may need to do some research. (eulogies must include some biographical info)

  • If you have not experienced the death of someone in your life, choose a person who is close to you and write a eulogy as if they have just died. (Do not use yourself, a pet, celebrity or someone you do not know personally.)

  • You can include quotes or a poem as long as the majority of the eulogy is your own words.

  • You must incorporate in your eulogy at least one the following “prop” choices:

    • A photograph, (hand held or on computer/projector, or on a tablet/I pad, etc.; (no cell phones).

    • Something physical that signifies or reminds you of that person; ie. piece of jewelry, a possession, a gift they gave you, etc.


An oral presentation is required in order to submit your written eulogy for a grade, there is no partial credit. In addition, you must attend class on the days scheduled for all eulogy presentations in order to receive a grade on your presentation.



Your score will be based on the following: Total possible points = 10

Completed written eulogy: 5 points

Spelling and grammar: 1 point

Presentation Skills of eulogy: 4 points

Sample Eulogy EULOGY FOR ERWIN SCHAEFFER by his son, Garry Schaeffer 12/20/01

My father had a huge heart and a remarkable sense of humor. What more could any of us ask than to be loved and amused. My father did both with ease, he loved us and made us laugh. But, of course, there was so much more.

Born in Syracuse, NY to parents, Robert and Shelly and raised with his brother, Luke and sister, Colleen, he graduated high school and college before working as a teacher for over 40 years at Marcellus High School. He married, Ellen and had 3 wonderful sons, Luke Jr., Garry and Neil, whom he loved dearly.

He was a wonderful and honorable man. I don’t consider myself merely lucky to be his son, I’ve been downright blessed. He and my mother gave me the most profound gift that parents can give the feeling deep down inside that I am loved and cherished. My father respected, admired, and trusted me. And I loved and respected him equally.

Of course, my father played a huge role in shaping who I am. I learned from the master how to think funny and make people laugh. He was my comedic sparring partner. His sense of humor never, ever failed him, even a couple of weeks ago when a hospice social worker came to the house. When she drove up, my father and I launched into “Dear Kindly Social Worker…” from West Side Story.

My father was incredibly generous and one of my favorite stories to illustrate involves his cousin Barry, who had a house on the water on Long Island. Barry owned a small boat. When I was 16, Barry bought a second boat as a gift for some relatives who, as it turned out, couldn’t accept the gift. So Cousin Barry had two boats on his hands and one summer day I got a phone call, from my grandmother, telling me that Cousin Barry wanted to give me a boat. I couldn’t believe it. I loved boats. It was a dream come true. I was in heaven. For the next three summers, that boat was the center of my life. Every weekend, I went skiing or cruising. I even got my father hooked on water skiing! It wasn’t until years later that I found out Barry had originally offered the boat to my father, and he said, “I would be happy to accept the gift, but only if you give it to my son, Garry.”


So much of my father is in me we are so similar that perhaps the best tribute I can give the best way for me to keep his spirit alive is to honor and express all his positive qualities in me and live in a way that would continue his essence and make him proud. 

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