math forum 4

Suppose that a class contains 15 boys and 30 girls, and that 10 students are to be selected at random for a special assignment. Find the probability that exactly 3 boys will be selected. 

Keep in mind that your post must be made by 11:55PM EASTERN time on Wednesday during the week in which a discussion question is posed.  I will evaluate your responses to each of these questions using a 0 to 10 point scale, and your contribution to each of the five Discussion Forums will count as 2 percent of the overall course grade for a total of 10 percent.

My evaluation of your post will be based on the extent to which you participated and fostered a positive and effective learning environment for yourself and others.  Participating and sharing are the keys.  Naturally, simply copying someone else’s post is prohibited.  Your post should reflect your understanding of the question posed.  In addition to the computations you employed to arrive at your response, your post must contain comments regarding the rationale for the approach you utilized.  Simply listing an answer is of no real value in promoting a discussion.

To make a post to this week’s Discussion Forum, click on the Counting Isn’t Always Easy link, then click Start a New Conversation.  In the title block of the dialog box that appears insert your first and last name; compose your post in the message box; and then click Post Message.

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