IT 226 Final Project

This final project is the culmination of BOTH Project One and Project Two which are included in the attachments and should include the information from both Project One and Project Two as well as 2 new sections.
The final sections V and VI are described here:
V: Potential Errors: In this section, you will discuss common network errors and how your proposed solution will minimize and address these issues.
Based on your previous report, anticipate common network errors that the new location may encounter.
Describe effective troubleshooting approaches to the errors you identified, such as problem isolation, trace routing, and pinging.
Explain how these approaches would ensure the resolution of the errors. Be sure your response is specific to the business location.

VI: Additional Considerations: In this section, you will make recommendations for industry standard documentation for ongoing network support.
Identify options for network monitoring that includes maintenance for network hardware and software (for example, port scanning, interface monitoring, packet flow monitoring, etc.).
Identify patch management options that will help acquire, test, and install multiple patches on existing applications.
Describe how you will control inventory, including how to discover and track assets on your network.

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