read the article then answer the question

Read the above article about a possible recession in the US. In your opinion, is the US going to be in a recession in 2020 or not? The article talks about the inversion of the yield curve. How would you incorporate that into the IS/LM model and would it create a recession? The article’s title mentions a trade war but doesn’t really talk about it. Do you think the ongoing trade tensions between the US and China will cause a recession in the US? The article mentions the UK and Germany? Is that relevant for whether the US enters a recession or not and if so, how? Are there other factors not mentioned in the article that you believe are relevant? If so, what and how?

Your response must be 300 to 500 words. File must be uploaded as an MS Word document or pdf file by 5 PM on Monday November 25. Please feel free to use information from class or other sources (Google searches and reading information online, reading other articles, etc.). Just do not copy someone else’s writing or ideas verbatim, including your fellow students. That is plagiarism and will result in a submission to SJA. The assignment is 5 points total.

5 points: Uploaded before 5 PM on due date. Meets word count requirement and correctly uses once course concept.

3 points: Uploaded before 5 PM on due date. Meets word count requirement and uses a concept from class but not correctly (e.g. misunderstands a definition or model, etc.).

3 points: Uploaded late on the due date but before 5:30 PM. Meets word count requirement and correctly uses once course concept.

0 points: Everything else

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