fake facebook page on theorist karl marx

You will be selecting any social theorist from our textbook and creating a fictional Facebook page for them.

First step: Select a theorist from the index in our book.

What you need to include (specific instructions are included in the WORD document on the first page:

Name of historical figure or event at the top of the page

1) Profile Picture of your historical figure or event

Information for Person: Network/Location, Birthday/Countries, Political Affiliation/Paradigm, Religion/Leaders, Hometown/Years/where else they lived

2) The Wall

This information will be in chronological order and will include “status updates” and “wall posts” as well as replies. You must have at least 4

3) Basic Information for theorist: Sex, Relationship Status, Children, Profession, Activities/Causes, Interest, Quotes, Music, etc….

Photos & Captions: (Need at least 4)

5) Friends with pictures. These are your theorist’s friends and must be their contemporary.

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