mass communication theory 3

Chapter 7

-What are Functionalism Theory and Communication System Theory?
-List and briefly explain the 4 classic functions of media.
-What is the meaning of Manifest and Latent functions of media?
-Define Narcotizing Dysfunction and Mass Entertainment theory?
-List and define 4 Television violence theories as contained in your PPt presentation?

Chapter 8
-Describe the development of cultural theory perspective incorporating the contributions of the -British Cultural theorists and the Frankfurt School scholars?
-Define Symbolic interactionism and Social behaviorism?
-What are the contributions of the following Scholars: Stuart Hall (be sure to incorporate Representation), Marshal McLuhan (incorporate “The medium is the message”), and Harrold Innis?
-What is political economy? Give example?

Chapter 9
-What is Uses and gratifications theory – include theorists?
-In discussing “active” audience, what are Blumler’s (1979) meanings of “active”?
-What is semiotics (de Saussure) give example of how this can be applied to media studies?
-Three kinds of meaning include: Preferred/Dominant, Negotiated, and Oppositional. What do they mean – give example of how a text can be construed using all three kinds of meaning.

Chapters 10-12

-“News is a force capable of shaping our world” – considering various sources of news available today, does this statement still hold true? Why or why not?

-What is Diffusion Theory? – include theorist and basic tenets and process.

-What is Social Marketing Theory – what are its features?

-What is Knowledge Gap Theory? Does information age translate to knowledge age? Explain your answer.

-What is digital divide and what causes digital divide?

-What is Agenda Setting Theory? Discuss the legitimacy of this theory in light of social media especially Twitter?

-What is Spiral of Silence Theory? Include theorist and give example.

-Discuss the statement giving example “Television Blurs, Blends, and Bends”.

-What in your opinion, is the future of media studies /theory?

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