about car dealership in canada this is a financial discussion

Professer post:

Your “background reading” for this discussion is posted under module 9. You are NOT limited to these articles! Please do try to find more information on the Internet to support your argument. I realize that some in this group have experience with this or are working somewhere that they can get more information about this topic. It is valuable to those who haven’t worked for a dealership to get that perspective so please share if you can! So if you have someone you can talk to… please do. Otherwise, the rest of you need to rely on reading and research.

For your initial post by Wednesday night, answer ONE of the following in approx 300-500 words:

1.Explain one stair-step program you have seen where you work (or have worked in the past). Don’t identify the dealer’s name. Tell your classmates the “deal” that was offered and the name of the brand. Be specific about #s and $ amounts. How many did they have to sell to get the bonus and how did this differ with different amounts of sales?

2.Identify three reasons why you think these programs are GOOD for dealerships and should be continued. Ideally this is a financial discussion, but there are ethical/management issues here as well which could be discussed. Do not just refer to one article and tell me what they say. Look at several articles and look for key themes. List the article(s) used at the end of your post (not part of your word count).

3.Identify three reasons why you think these programs are BAD for dealerships and should stop. Ideally this is a financial discussion, but there are ethical/management issues here as well which could be discussed. Do not just refer to one article and tell me what they say. Look at several articles and look for key themes. List the articles used at the end of your post (not part of your word count).

4.What is your personal opinion about whether these stair-step incentives are “good” or “bad” for the dealer? Support your argument with either some quotes from articles or points from other student posts. If you are using an exact quote please put in quotation marks and include an in-text citation (the source in brackets like this, right after the quote).

5.If you were working for a manufacturer, and had to advise your manager about whether you should be setting up a new stair-step program, what needs to be considered in that decision? Here you are looking at the issue from the manufacturer’s perspective and need to keep in mind both profitability and the relationship with dealers in your recommendation.

Interview a dealer ship employee with knowledge of these programs and get their perspective on this issue. What do they have to do to make this work? What challenges do they face and what would they like to see happen? (Email me separately the name of who you talked to and do NOT include this in the post – just tell the group you did an interview and state what is YOUR opinion versus the opinion of the person with whom you spoke.)

The initial post should invite further discussion with a relevant/related question at the end of it.

4 articles provided





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