acc201 0

Assignment 4: Excel Problems

At the end of each module, you will apply the module’s concepts by completing a comprehensive assignment from the textbook.

Complete these problems from your text book: (P1 44B  page 47 & P2 46B page 111) related to transaction analysis, journal entries for typical business transactions, adjusting entries and preparation of the trial balance and adjusted trial balance.

Present your analysis of the assigned problems in Excel format. Enter non numerical responses in the same worksheet using textboxes.

By Wednesday, June 15, 2016 deliver your assignment to the M1: Assignment 4 Dropbox.

Create the file with the following name: LastnameFirstInitial_M1A4.Excel.xls. .

Assignment 4 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
P1 44B:  
Prepared income statement
Prepared statement of retained earnings
Prepared balance sheet
P2 46B:  
Journalized each transaction
Posted transactions to T accounts
Prepared trial balance
Accuracy and timeliness


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