advanced nursing practice

apa format- please answer question below this week you will examine ethical issues that have been identified in advanced nursing practice. All nurses will encounter ethical dilemmas during their nursing career. It is important to really understand all issues related to the ethical dilemma. There are cultural, personal choice and other issues that you may feel very passionate about.What is important for advanced nurses is that you realize that while you have strong personal values, others also have a right to have their own personal values. What is important in nursing is to have your own values and to values others and their values.Identifying ethical dilemmas and looking at the pros and cons of the ethical dilemma and make sure that the patients have all the information to make he informed decision. In the discussion, you will examine ethical issues that have been identified in one of the advanced nursing practice role. You will then analyze how the ethical issues have impacted your current role. Question: Choose one advance nursing practice role. Describe the specific ethical issues related to this role. Finally, describe how the ethical issues of this role may impact your current nursing role. How would you decide what you should do in the given situation?

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