Advocacy in Health Care

(Signature Assignment)

Course Learning Outcomes: 1-5
American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2006): DNP Essentials: V. Health Care Policy for
Advocacy in Health Care and VIII. Advanced Nursing Practice

Read the assignment in its entirety prior to initiating the activity.

Purpose:  The purpose of this assignment is to help students become politically active in the healthcare arena by contacting their legislator/s via a legislative fact sheet in support of a nursing issue to advance professional nursing and/or improve patient care.

Step 1: Please review the information found on the Health Advocacy website:

Step 2: Review the Political Action Committee information on various Advance Practice
Registered Nurse websites such as the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP): or one to designated to your state, such as the California Association of Nurse Practitioners (CANP):

Step 3: Thirdly, identify an APRN legislative “Hot Topic” that you wish to support

Step 4: Identify your elected state legislators:

Step 5: Use your final chosen legislation and create a fact sheet to persuade your congressman or -woman to vote in favor of your nursing issue.  Write your fact sheet in letter format so that your classmates can “read” them as if they were your legislator (this is really the best way to review these for comments).  Please remember that this should be a 1-page letter to your representative/s with a 2nd page, APA formatted “References” list.  Using the rubric below, you  posted fact sheet letter will contain:

Advocacy in Health Care and VIII. Advanced Nursing Practice

Page 1:
1.   Firstly, the date, your legislator’s name, title and contact information (email address is OK)
2.   Secondly, an appropriate greeting followed by a very short introductory paragraph explaining who you are (perhaps an RN, BSN student and/or constituent) and what bill or issue you are writing about
3.   Thirdly, your fact sheet info (an explanatory 3 to 5 MAX bulleted points paragraph).  This information should be clear and concise as your legislator generally has limited time; oftentimes if a correspondence is greater than 1-page, it may be disregarded, so this section should be no longer than ½ of your total letter)
4.   Fourthly, a brief concluding paragraph reiterating or restating the issue and why your legislator should support this bill/issue, along with a thank you for his or her time and interest.
5.   Lastly, salutation, your name, signature and contact information (email and phone number are best).

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