american government 2 parts outline due dec 12th and key assignment due dec 17th


The Bill of Rights extends to individuals the protection of various civil liberties. When an individual is accused of a criminal act, there are rights that he or she is entitled to under the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments.   Select 3 of these amendments; provide an overview of the main points of the amendments, and explain how they could be applied to a person accused of committing a crime.  Secondly, discuss what type of policy would need to be implemented for police investigators when interrogating a suspect.


Assignment Guidelines:  Address the following in 1,000–1,250 words:


•Select 3 of the following Amendments from the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution:












For each of the selected Amendments:


Provide an overview of the main points of the Amendment


What is the purpose of the Amendment Explain.


Who does the Amendment affect Explain.


Why is this Amendment important Explain.


How can the Amendment be applied to a person accused of committing a crime? Be specific.


****You may use case law as you see fit to support your answer.


◦What type of policy would need to be implemented for police investigators when interrogating a suspect Explain.


To what type of crime(s) should this policy pertain? Why?


What specific constitutional rights must be upheld, and under what circumstances must they be upheld? Explain.


What would be the rationale for the policy? Justify your response.


How should the policy be evaluated for potential weaknesses or gaps? Explain.


Be sure to reference all sources using proper APA style.


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