Analytical Framework 7
One page APA format.
Analytical Framework: You are to type responses to the prompts in an analytical framework outlined below using your own words (unless it is a definition). If there is more than one reading, please respond to the prompts for all readings. No untyped or late analytical frameworks will be accepted. Analytical Framework components include: Main concepts and research findings (6 points) and Application to your organization (4 points).
Both Reading are required.
Chapter 8 (Page#165) in the textbook in the attachment. and the other article only. nothing more.
Learning Outcomes
- Students will understand group dynamics in regard to organizational behavior (Group Development: Understands the process of group development; Organizational Behavior: Understands organizational behavior).
- Students will understand the role of dysfunctional teams in regard to organizational behavior (Organizational Behavior: Understands organizational behavior; Group Development: Understands the process of group development).
- Students will analyze dysfunctions of a team to better explain dysfunctional teams (Analysis: Analyzes examine information for more thorough understanding).
- Students will understand strategies to appropriately and effectively interact with others in a group (Appropriate Interaction: Understands how to interact with others appropriately).
- Students will analyze a case to understand group dynamics and apply effective strategies for working in groups (Analysis: Analyzes information for more thorough understanding; Group Development: Understands the process of group development).
- Students will understand the influence of group thinking in regard to organizational behavior (Group Development: Understands the process of group development; Organizational Behavior: Understands how to apply concepts of organizational behavior).
- Students will analyze a case to understand group thinking (Analysis: Analyzes information for more thorough understanding; Group Development: Understands the process of group development).