answer some question project management

you can use the ppt for resource.


1 Why would it not decrease the project duration if you would crash an activity not on the critical path?


2 Lengthening the duration of a project generally will increase which type of costs?…………………………………Why?


3 Why might management have to select a project that pertains to safety or the environment rather than one which has better rate of return?  


4 The sum of the slack times of activities not on the critical path is always ……………..


5 The duration of paths on the network that are not critical are always less than the duration of the ……………………………………………….


6 The NPV of a project with an installation cost of $150,000 (to be paid at the start of the project) in a project that will generate a savings to the owner of $50,000 for 5 years (5 savings payments) without taking into account the time value of money is equal to……………………………………..


7 The duration of the critical path through a network is equal to the ………………………… of the project.


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