anthropology help


Essay Organization Suggestions   

Paragraph 1: introduction

A brief paragraph that explains what the theories are and what they attempt to explain.  In this paragraph, clearly state your essay thesis:  which theory you accept.


Paragraphs 2 ??:  Essay body

In the main section of your paper, you will evaluate the theories.  To do this, the table below will help you organize your thoughts.  If you write a paragraph for each box, your essay will be both thorough and complete, and hopefully, correct.

Table 1: Fill in the table, briefly listing the pieces of evidence.

This is to help you, but needs to be in essay form.  See the Attachment thank you


Evidence For

Evidence Against

Multi regional evolution






Complete Replacement







Partial Assimilation









Last Paragraph : conclusion

Write one or two paragraphs that clearly summarize which theory you prefer and why.  The preceding paragraphs merely described the evidence for and against.  In this section, come out strongly in favor of a theory.


I will give you my book password, because this 2 3 page essay has to come from reliable source. This is a Anthropology class so please be mindful. 

Spelling: Make sure that you proofread your papers carefully. IF WRITTEN I WILL UP MY PRICE. THANK YOU

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