Apply the theories/concepts, tools and techniques covered in the module to an organisation of their choiceApply the theories/concepts, tools and techniques covered in the module to an organisation of their choice

Academic Year 2019/20

Module Name: Strategy, Change and Leadership (Msc)

Coursework Title:

  1. Individual Assignment – Strategy & Change Leadership

Task Details/Description:

  1. Individual Assignment – Strategy & Change; Leadership (2500 words)

This assignment is in two distinct parts:

  1. a) Strategy and Change
  2. b) Leadership

The aim of this assignment is to enable students to:

1) Apply the theories/concepts, tools and techniques covered in the module to an organisation of their choice

2) To assess and critique the organisation’s practices

3) To make recommendations for their future development.

4) Examine leadership practices within organisations

5) Apply a variety of leadership models to a real world context

Part a)

  1. Select an organisation of choice.
  2. Critically evaluate their strategy using appropriate tools.
  3. Propose a change agenda to improve the business. These changes should be substantiated with reference to appropriate models and citations.

(Approx. 1250 words)

Part b)

  1. You should now analyse the leader of your chosen organisation.
  2. Drawing from at least one trait, style, and contingency approach, develop your own philosophy of effective leadership (I,e a model of effective leadership).
  3. Appraise the role of the CEO’s leadership in your chosen organisation; what behaviours, characteristics, and qualities might you expect them to have in order to enable this change agenda to be a success? The argumentation must be coherent and substantiated and must use relevant theory/conceptual underpinnings in a critical fashion, demonstrating analysis, synthesis and evaluation skills. Sources of information must be referenced using Harvard referencing.

Module Learning Outcomes Assessed:

  1. Individual Assignment – Strategy & Change; Leadership (2500 words)
  2. a) Synthesise various organisational and environmental factors which drive organisational change
  3. b) Appraise individual and group processes which enable and inhibit the change process.
  4. c) Critically evaluate leadership characteristics, discriminating between different leadership approaches and their relative effectiveness.
  5. d) Develop and justify effective people management skills around leadership, influencing, supervision, delegation and coaching.

Presentation Requirements:

  1. Individual Assignment – Strategy & Change; Leadership (2500 words)
  2. Word Count: 2500 (Includes citations in the main text of the essay but excludes the list of bibliographic references at the end of the essay, any tables, graphs and schemas/frameworks. Essays that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will be penalised.)
  3. Font Size: Times New Roman 12 Line Spacing: 1.5 or double Margins should be normal (2.54 cm all around). A word count must be provided on the cover page.

Assessment Criteria

  1. Individual Assignment – Strategy & Change

The argumentation must be coherent and substantiated. The analysis, synthesis and

evaluation must use relevant theory/conceptual underpinnings in a critical fashion.

Moreover, the value of theories and conceptual models to address the change process

should be critically considered. Sources of information

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