apr 2 purchased merchandise blue company under following terms 6600 price invoice dated apri

Apr. 2 Purchased merchandise from Blue Company under the following terms: $6,600 price, invoice dated April 2, credit terms of 2/15, n/60, and FOB shipping point. 3 Paid $370 for shipping charges on the April 2 purchase. 4 Returned to Blue Company unacceptable merchandise that had an invoice price of $750. 17 Sent a check to Blue Company for the April 2 purchase, net of the discount and the returned merchandise. 18 Purchased merchandise from Fox Corp. under the following terms: $13,650 price, invoice dated April 18, credit terms of 2/10, n/30, and FOB destination. 21 After negotiations, received from Fox a $3,822 allowance on the April 18 purchase. 28 Sent check to Fox paying for the April 18 purchase, net of the discount and allowance.
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